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Rollenbau GmbH
Paminagasse 95
1230 Vienna, Austria

Phone +43 1 667 32 38, Fax +43 1 665 04 50

Bank account:
Name: Oberbank, Kto: 501 1600 22, BLZ: 15150
IBAN: AT661515000501160022, BIC: OBKLAT2L

Obligation to provide information according to § 5 section 1 of the E-commerce law

Member of the Vienna Chamber of Commerce

Trade group: Machines and precision tools trade
Occupational class: Equipment and components trade – technical and industrial requirements

Company registry number: 120699z
Company registry court: Handelsgericht Wien
Registered office: Vienna

Media owner, publisher, Verleger: Rollenbau GmbH
Management: Karl Rosse
Management address: Rollenbau GmbH, Paminagasse 95, 1230 Vienna

Commercial regulations: Trade Regulations

Voluntary Code of Conduct: E-Commerce quality mark

General business terms and conditions

VAT Identification Number: ATU14672102

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